LESSONS: Ten Things to Think About


#8  Authenticity:
  • A shy character would never jump out front and center and do a dance, and an angry character wouldn’t act sympathetically to other characters.
  •  A great example of honesty is the cartoon character – Bugs Bunny.  Making Bugs looks stupid and inept is just too far out of character for him.  He is always in control even if he is losing.
  • In contrast to Bugs Bunny’s cool sarcastic ways is the wacky, hyper and high-strung – never be nonchalant about things that happen in the story – Daffy Duck.


When characters act against who they are and what they believe in, it kills the illusion and makes the acting and story weak.

Bug’s Life Bloopers show commitment to character and honesty. 

You can find honesty ideas for your acting if you think of your character as a friend of yours.

If you picture going out and having beers with your character you get to really know who they are and how they would react to things.

This could also be framed as sincerity in acting choices leading to believable performances.