Amitesh Nandan – Character Animator @ DNEG

The first thing I would like to appreciate is Angie’s knowledge, patience, approach, and resources.  What Angie shares in her iAnimate classes are gold (still I go through the dropbox materials), And, I have been trying to implement most of the things I have learned from those few classes I took with Angie. Sometimes when I used to get stuck while working on acting shots. I remember the example Angie said about “cleaning the garage” regarding workflow. Now, every time I see freshers animators struggling through their shots, I give them the same example and tell them to arrange and clean one part at a time. It’s all there, you just have to arrange the keys and put it back in a clean form.

Mam, you are always an inspiration and things you share are very informative. If possible, maybe in the future, I want to work and learn beside you.

Once there lived a famous poet here in India, who has said a story I would like to share.

“A teacher knocked on God’s doors. With seeing God he was overwhelmed and he quickly touched his teachers’ feet to thank him for giving the knowledge to recognize God.”

June 3, 2017

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