Hillary McCarthy – CG Animator @ Buck
June 5, 2017
|By Angie Jones
I had Angie for iAnimate Workshop 3. Whenever Angie looked at our work, she was truly excited about what we had done the past week and really positive, yet, she still gave really tough, truthful critiques. I think this is a really special and important approach because I’ve been in critiques where I’ve left with a litany of ways I’d “messed up” feeling defeated. Now that I’m working in the industry, I try to bring Angie’s mix of positivism, encouragement, and honesty into all my interactions with fellow artists.
June 5, 2017
Hillary’s Linkedin Profile linkedin.com/in/hillary-mccarthy-05a3b031
Website hillarymccarthy.com (Personal Website)
Hillary McCarthy