Jacques d’Azémar – Freelance Junior Character Animator

Angie was my teacher for the iAnimate’s Advanced Body Mechanic course. In addition to being a great teacher and making sure that everybody could understand her courses, she was really fun and full of joy. Every session I had with her was super interesting and made me understand or see some concepts in animation in another way that could make me go further in my work. She helped me a lot in these classes and was super into my weird animations idea, helping me push them at their best level and did not hesitate to open my Maya files to show me what to do when I was stuck. It truly was an amazing experience that made my animation level take a huge jump. I would highly recommend that you take any of Angie’s class.

 September 18, 2020

Jacques’ Linkedin Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquesdazemar/
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lVYl0z  (Portfolio)