Morag Wesselman – Storyboard Artist @ ShadowMachine

Angie was my instructor for WS4 Facial and Lipsync at iAnimate and it was such a pivotal experience.

She enriched my learning in so many ways, and the spectrum of knowledge she drew from to teach us was incredible.  Technically, she helped us set up our workspaces to maximize efficiency.  She taught us how to create a dynamite shelf and even gave us scripts that she uses in her own work.  In terms of storytelling and acting, she has so much great insight into psychology, and how it can be utilized to amplify performance.  She taught us about pacing and extremes; how maximizing a quiet moment can exponentially magnify the payoff of a loud one after.  Today when I’m at work I often draw on these lessons, and it definitely helps me stand out.

Angie really has an understanding of her students’ instincts and abilities and was able to push our strengths while working on our weaknesses.  She was always incredibly encouraging; simultaneously she pushed us hard and made sure we never rested on any laurels.  I think something that really makes her stand out is that I could tell from the first lesson I had with her that she really, genuinely wanted me and all of my fellow classmates to succeed.  I think that in itself is worth taking her class, but on top of that, you find yourself learning from a seriously amazing animator with a ridiculous amount of knowledge.  I’m so glad I took her class.  I highly recommend it.

June 5, 2017

Morag’s Linkedin Profile