Riccardo Pietracaprina – Animator @ MPC

I got the chance to meet Angie at iAnimate, I was attending her course of Body Mechanics and she was my very first teacher. Moving on with studies, I understand how important she has been in my learning path and how she established my approach of “thinking animation.” Her lectures were super clear and well organized and they cover both sides of computer animation, artistic and technical, showing (and sharing!) some useful tools, too. During the reviews she always pushed your works further, from scratch to the polished result, encouraging you week by week. The critiques were also clear and, in the mess of the Graph Editor and the Timeline of a newbie animator, she always finds a way to help you understand what’s wrong and what works. But, most of all, she puts such great energy and passion in every lecture and that, mainly when you are at the beginning and every single key seems awkward and wrong, is truly a boost!

June 4, 2017

Riccardo’s Linkedin Profile linkedin.com/in/riccardo-pietracaprina-4b918353
Websites behance.net/riccapie (Portfolio)
https://vimeo.com/268364332 (Reel)