Tool for Character Animation: bh_camZoom - FREE

bh_camZoom Tool. This tool exists in the iAnimate toolbox but for those you without access to that, here it is from Brian Horgan.

UPDATE:  Maya has adopted this tool now but I am keeping this here for posterity.

This is really helpful working on longshots.  Say you have to see the hand pose you created from the camera view specifically and the camera is set to a full-body shot?  Just use this tool to zoom without messing up original camera settings!

A little workflow tool that allows you to quickly zoom the camera you are working with. This needs Maya 2011 or newer as it works off the 2D pan and zoom feature. Of course, you can do this manually through the attributes editor but I wanted something simple I could leave floating in my UI while working. This video covers installation and a couple of things to watch out for when using it.

Update Oct 2012 – added a ‘Toggle’ checkbox to the GUI which allows you to quickly toggle the zoom without resetting the sliders.
