Must Have Animator Tools: ShotMask VP2



Introducing Shot Mask VP2 – Enhance Your Maya Workflow
Shot Mask VP2 simplifies the process of burning shot information onto your playBlasts within Maya. This tool streamlines the creation of shot masks, ensuring your deliverables to clients are precisely cropped and include essential details such as artist name, version, and camera information in the overlay.

  • Every freelancer should have this tool because it enables them to brand and create overlays for their shots for clients.
  • The tool has a custom Maya node that leverages Maya’s Viewport 2, enhancing its functionality and performance.
  • It offers an interactive approach to creating camera masks, overlays and important info about the shot – great for previz!
  • Additionally, the script includes a straightforward Python API, enabling the writing of custom scripts or automation of the creation process within a larger pipeline.
  • As its name suggests, Shot Mask VP2 is explicitly designed for use with Maya’s ViewPort 2.

Shot Mask VP2
Shot Mask Training

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